-Read articles about trafficking occurring in Missouri, the US, and overseas-Read book on trafficking. I personally can recommend these books: Half the Sky:Turning Opression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. "Girls Like Us" by Rachel Lloyd. "Passport through Darkness" By Kimberly L Smith. Terrify No More by Gary Haugen.
-Watch a documentary on trafficking.
-Read in the Bible what God has to say about justice and the oppressed
-Set aside time to pray for those in slavery
-Organize a prayer group
-Support and/or fund-raise for a ministry that fights trafficking through prevention, rescue, and after-care.
-Host a fund-raise party where people can buy products that vulnerable women make to help prevent trafficking
-Sponsor a child who is vulnerable to being trafficked
-Tell your friends, family, church, etc. about what you have learned about trafficking
-Host a documentary night or a book study
-Get involved with organizations that fight trafficking
-Learn how to identify victims of sexual slavery and trafficking from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Rescue & Restore Campaign.
-Lobby Politicians